We decided to go for a straight forward sea battle today. Encounter (no special objectives) with 200 points and I added in my sea terrain with shoals I made this morning.
I had the brigantine and Brendan the sloop. He had the wind gauge so I thought I'd have a tough time. However luck was with me. I'd chosen to set a lot higher sail setting and so swept past him. I also decided to shoot at his rigging which reduces his manoeuvrability.
Of course my luck with shooting and his poor dice rolls certainly helped me!
In the end he got a little too close to a sandbank and ran aground. But showing the advantages of the sloop he managed to get free very quickly. In fact in the nick of time as I had been about to rake his stern.
In the end though I'd severely damaged his ship and he'd not done anywhere near as much damage to mine. It was a fairly sure victory.
This game saw us get a proper feel for the ship rules and we both managed to get off some decent broadsides. The added shoals and islands certainly helped define the tactics as well.
Nice Job. Looks like it was fun.