Saturday, 18 August 2018

Man O'War Tzeentch

A couple more additions to my Man O'War collection. The Tzeentch Great Winged Terror and Lord of Change.

I'm really happy with these paint jobs, I do wish they matched the Bane Tower I painted a while back though. I may have to repaint that at some point.

Monday, 13 August 2018

Gigahorse? Finished ready for the "Other Partizan"

With the "Other Partizan" show looming this coming weekend where we will be running a Gaslands Participation Deathmatch Arena as we did at Barrage Wargames I thought it would be a good plan to get the Gigahorse-a-like car that I've been working on for about a month actually finished.

Well last night I did just that, finishing painting the crew and applying the weathering powder. This morning the two halves were glued together and anti-shine applied. In a few minutes we'll be playing a Deathrace...

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Gaslands - Gigahorse?

I've been working for the past few weeks on my version of a Gigahorse style vehicle from Mad Max Fury Road. This is intended for use with Gaslands and I think due to the size will have to be used as a Monster Truck.

I've not gone for a straight copy of the original design and instead just used the basic concept of two car bodies on top of each other, the bottom one widened.

Well I think I've finally finished the actual build and it's on to painting next.

I have to get this one ready for next weekend's Other Partizan Show at Newark Showground. We're running another Gaslands participation game