Monday, 30 December 2024

Moonstone - The Enclave

With COGS starting a Moonstone campaign in the New Year, I've been busy painting up some Fairies! Quite a change from the tiny little soldiers and planes I've been mostly painting recently!

I do love these models and have another 3 ready to build to supplement these. Though I think I will be getting more for a second force...

"Wings at War" - "Duel of Aces"

 After having so much fun with Scramble for Britain I had to get hold of the WWI game from the "Wings at War" series. My set was mispacked and I've ended up with 1 of the larger German Halberstadt CL.II models missing, but instead have 4 extra British RE. 8 models.

Adding in some Observation Balloons from Turner Miniatures finishes off the models for this set. Now I need to sort out a battlefield, the main thing about that being that I need a line of no-mans-land down the middle.

1914 German Army in 6mm

The second part of my 1914 6mm project is the Germans. Again these are prints of the files from Henry Turner.

There are actually more infantry than I show in these photos...