Sunday, 19 January 2025

3D Printed 1/600 Planes for "Wings at War" "Scramble for Britain"

Whilst surfing the various 3D print sites I found a few free plane stls on this Patreon. Whilst they're designed for 1/200 scale I thought I'd try printing them for 1/600 for use with my other WWII planes.

Well the planes printed great and painted up well as well. I've used the same Sunlu High Toughness Resin  I used for my WWI  6mm infantry and it seems to be able to be roughly handled, we'll have to see how the struts on the biplanes manages. 

The new planes are: Ju88, He115, Bristol Blenheim, Gloster Gladiator. They should get used at COGS tomorrow night.

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Some more Salamaders for my Kings of War army

A couple more units for my Kings of War army. I painted these back in early December, but forgot to photo them for the blog.

A Horde of Rhinosaurs.

And a second Phoenix with a slightly different colour scheme.

Moonstone - Pirates and more Fairies

With the first Moonstone games of 2025 at COGS taking place tomorrow night I thought it best to get some more models finished. There's some Pirates for Brendan's troupe for the COGS Moonstone campaign and some more fairies for mine.  I have more of each troupe to paint yet...

I absolutely loved painting these, especially the octopus and lobster.