Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Man O'War.. lots going on!

I've been a little obsessed with Man O'War of late.

I managed to get a copy of the Plaguefleet rules and had a good look through it. Worked out that I could convert some spare Imperial Wargalley models I've had for years into Chaos Deathgalleys and have been trawling eBay for ships to go with them. This has taken a while since I am unwilling to pay the massively inflated prices some sellers seem to want. 

Anyway, finally all the ships for the initial Chaos fleet have arrived and I've been having fun assembling them. There's 850 points there so to make it up to the standard 1000pts I'll have to add a bit, but that can be done with Chaos Rewards, or I do have other ideas... 

In addition the second Imperial Greatship arrived which means I'll be able to play a different 1000pt fleet from the one I've been stuck with for the last 20 years.

Of course the Imperial Griffons I just finished painting will also help with the variety.

I can't leave my Dwarves out of it! They also need some variety, and that's where the balloons come in...

... and the Gyrocopters which will be being painted next! I've wanted some of these for years!

Yes, that's a lot of Man O'War...

Edit... as requested some photos of all my Man O'War collection. They are stored in a 4 litre Really Useful box attached to the bottom with Blu Tac.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Necromunda - Underhive Scum and Ladders

After the game of Necromunda a couple of weeks ago one of my Juves, "Squirt", died. To replace him I bought an "Underhive Scum" hired gun. This has meant I've had to buy a new model. I had a good search around and decided to go with one of the original Citadel models, the one with a plasma gun and autopistol. This will fit in well with the "Gunfighter" skill which will allow him to shoot both each turn.

We also noticed that the Deadzone terrain we used was rather lacking in ladders. So I got these inexpensive MDF ones from Warbases. 

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Dreadball Mechanites Team (Argh!!!)

When I first srarted Dreadball the team that most interested me was the Robots, so when the Dreadball Xtreme Kickstarter had the Mechanite team in it was going to be my favourite.

It's not my favourite any more....

For this month's Painting Oath I oathed the Ada Lorena team and the Mechanite team. The Ada Lorena team were a breeze to paint. The mechanites somewhat less easy.

First of all I spent 2 or 3 hours pouring over the rules in the Season 5 book trying to get the parts supplied into a team with more than the minium 6 players at 100 points. Even with the use of a spreadsheet this was no easy task. I really hope Mantic have a team builder planned for this team!

Once I decided on the team structure I built up the models. This was fiddly and was not helped since I can't use superglue due to hypersensitivity to the fumes and had to wait for two part expoxy to dry. Then to really annoy me every single glue joint failed. Arms, legs and heads just came apart in my hands.

I switched to another brand of expoxy and also did some pinning and the second time round they stuck together far better. Though still if you pull at a limb it will come off.

So then I started the painting. I decided on a brightly colours scheme with colour coded roles for the players. Part way through I looked at some of the Jacks... Hang on... They didn't have the correct arms to pass the rules... ARGH!! 

So with some changes of limbs to models and the resolution that I'd only have 6 players in the team of 100 points I continued. 

Finally today shortly before writing this post I finished them. They were by far the most painful Dreadball team to date.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

French Napoleonic 80 gun ship

So the last of the unstarted 20-year-old langton ships in my collection has finally been finished. This is an 80 gun French 3rd rate.

And here she is with the rest of my little fleet. I plan to add a 100 gun 1st rate ship to finish off and then start another nationality. I fancy doing Spanish. Of course all that will require another order to langtons.

Edit: Since posting this I have been reliably informed that in fact the hull is British. I'm not sure how that has happened since I don't think I ever bought anything British from Langtons. Also the braces are rigged incorrectly. 

Well she's going to have to stay as she is and be a captured British ship. When I get my next batch from Langtons then I'll get their new rigging guide which has come highly recommended and hopefully then such mistakes will be a thing of the past.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Flames of War Plastic SU100 and SU85

It's been a long time since I painted anything for my Flames of War armies and I've had a box of Plastic Soviet Tank Killers (SBX31) sat part finished on the shelf for a long time.

So I finally got round to completing them ready for a game on Monday.



... "But, you said you only had one box of Tank Killers, there's only 5 in that box and you have 10 tanks there!!!"

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Necromunda 1st Game

It was my first game of Necromunda tonight. My Delaque Gang faced off against Steve's Goliath gang at Scavenger Hunt.

I did pretty well! Steve couldn't seem to hit anything, and only wounded a single juve. I won the scenario, got more loot. However unfortunately the juve died of his wounds (RIP Squirt). Steve's injured gangers all recovered though luckily one of his heavies now has an old injury that may keep him out of a few scenarios.

Man of the match has to go to Jayne. He downed two enemy with a single burst of his heavy stub gun.

Four of my gangers managed to get upgrades.

Steve will go into the next game with an extra juve and a ratskin scout. I didn't get to replace my juve, but added an underhive scum and a rather good ratskin map.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Ada Lorena Dreadball Team

As well as the Deadzone terrain, to be used for Necromunda, I also completed the Ada Lorena Dreadball team for .... Dreadball.

These interesting transparent castings made for a quick and easy, but effective paint job. A final coat of gloss varnish has made them shine like glass.

Necromunda Terrain Part 2

After Steve said "Looks great, and will be fine for a game, but even more terrain will be better. Really limited Los on the ground level is what we want." in response to my last blog post I thought I better add some more. Luckily I had a big box on the way...

This is now finished for tomorrow night's game.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Necromunda Terrain

This blog is really a shout out to Steve...

"Is this enough terrain for Necromunda?"

I've painted the backs of two of my sea boards for a sci-fi industrial wasteland sort of look and put my Deadzone scenery on it.

If it's not enough then I do have some more stuff to scatter about and I have another 30(ish) sprues coming. :D