Wednesday, 22 April 2020

French Marine Artillery 1813

When looking at the French Army of 1813 one unit drew my interest more than the rest, Napoleon's Marine Artillery.

By 1813, these troops were not at all useful in their original role and needing to replenish losses from the failed 1812 invasion of Russia Napoleon changed them into several units of infantry. They kept their uniforms much as they were before and were often in battle with their distinctive blue greatcoats. The colour of which got them confused with the Imperial Guard.

Anyway, since I've moved on to the next battle of the 1813 campaign and need VI Corps, the Marine Artillery was my next project. Luckily they were simple to paint and will look great in my French army.

I've also made some attached artillery markers as I have done for my British and Prussians. I'll need a lot more of these.


  1. Well done, beautiful units...Congrats from France!

  2. Again good output and nice and clean brushwork


  3. These guys look great! I like the very clean lines and the mass look!

    Was trying to figure out where they fit in Marmont’s VI Corp, are these infantry divisions 20 and 21? And since this is for Blucher, then each stand is a brigade?

    The H&R figs look so good when displayed like this! Again, great job!

    Mike H.

    1. Thanks for the kind comments.
      According to Nafzinger they are in:

      20th Division: General de division Compans
      Brigade: General de brigade Cacault
      1/,2/,3/,4/1st Marine Artillery Regiment
      1/,2/3rd Marine Artillery Regiment

      21st Division: General de division Bonnet
      Brigade: General de brigade Buquet
      1/,2/,3/,4/,5/,6/2nd Marine Artillery Regiment
      1/,2/4th Marine Artillery Regiment

      With the number of battalions being so high I've decided to represent them as two bases per brigade. One base per regiment (ish)

    2. Ah, yes page 319 in "Lutzen and Bautzen" he gives the sizes of the units. At Blucher standard scale there's enough there for 4 bases.

  4. very nice figure, may i ask what the dimensions of the marine artillery? - 60mm x30mm?

    1. Correct 60mm x 30mm for all my Napoleonic bases
