Sunday, 2 October 2016

Derby Wargames Frostgrave Debreif

Wow! What a weekend!

Going with a new display to a show is always a bit of an unknown. Will people come and play, will it be popular?

This time I need not have worried! We were busy almost the whole weekend. Lots and lots of people played, many new to the game, some already experienced players. All went home with a little gift from Osprey.

There were many very kind comments about the terrain and miniatures, and I spent a lot of time explaining how the terrain was made or the details of the rules of Frostgrave.

This all couldn't have been possible without the help of Jeff, Andy, Gerald and Brendan. Thanks guys!


  1. The terrain looks fantastic and no doubt much better in real life.
    You clearly deserved all those nice comments!

  2. Looks great. Thanks for the post. Sounds like a good day. :)

    1. Yes, it was a great day! We'll be doing it again at Fiasco at the end of October.

  3. Looks great. I'd love to play on those tables!

    1. Well they'll be at a few more shows yet. Fiasco for sure. I'm awaiting confirmation on Wargamer, Vapnartak and Salute as well.

  4. The show must have gone well, your terrain looks smashing, great fun to play on I'd imagine :-)
