Friday, 29 May 2020

ECW Armies Ready for their First Battle

I've just completed my favourite model for my 6mm ECW armies. It's King Charles I himself. A converted general miniature with hat removed, long hair added and even a little beard. All set off with the royal standard.

This came just after completing the Royalist Cavalry.

Which means I now have two 600 point forces ready for our first game of Liber Militum : Tercios on Sunday. Measuring sticks are made, order tokens created, quick reference sheets prepared. We're ready to go and I'm really looking forward to trying this game out.

Here is the Royalist force...

... and here is the Parliament force...


  1. Handsome and colorful army, very nice job Richard!

    1. Thanks Phil, I always aim for the colour to stand out.

  2. Fantastic work. Nothing so satisfying as seeing a project come together.

    1. Definitely... now it just needs to grow. :)
