Sunday, 6 March 2016

"My Kings of War Armies so far" an update for 2016

Back in November 2014, I posted photos of all the Kings of War armies that I'd amassed at that point.

Well it's been 16 months since then and I've been very busy...

To be honest, those are not actually all mine. The Undead at the back are actually Brendan's though I did help him paint them.

Click read more for some close-ups...


  1. Impressive!
    I can't imagine the amount of time you spent setting up all those models! And putting them back into the shelves...

    1. They all live in really useful boxes, you can see them stacked up in the background of the photos. I had them all down after the big game yesterday anyway.

      I did have to do repairs to twelve models before taking the photos and then another two after packing up.

  2. Well I am proper gobsmacked, a huge body of work, excellent stuff Richard :-)

    1. Thanks!

      Thing is I still have a big stack of unpainted stuff to do... more ogres, more men and a whole Abyssal army!

  3. Very, VERY impressive Richard. Congrats on a achieving a high level of AWESOME :-)
