Monday, 10 October 2022

DBA 3.0 Beyond Rebasing - Part 2 : Classical Indian Army

Back when I was playing DBM with my Bactrian Greek Army I'd started to extend it by buying additional elephants and an extra chariot. These have sat unpainted for years since then. It was time to make use of them.

So my first (almost) completely new army is Classical Indian 500BC-178AD II/3a. These can fight my Graeco-Indians, Graeco-Bactrians and Skythians, so fit in perfectly. All I needed was a couple more elephants, a chariot and a couple of bases of Cavalry.

I've just finished those in time for our DBA evening at COGS tonight.

1 comment:

  1. A good-looking army! I've gone full Bollywood with my Indians and dressed them in Saffron! :-)

    Regards, Chris
