Thursday, 21 February 2019

Terra-Formers Skirmish Board - Update 4

So... the boards themselves are complete!

The flocking is all down, the river has water and ripples and the bridge is sorted. So, now it's on to scatter terrain... buildings, trees, hedges, etc.

I looked through my terrain collection and found that since this board is much darker than the ones I usually have I'm going to have to re-base or make a lot of new terrain. I found a couple of buildings that I liked and have started making some new trees and hedges using rubberised horse hair, which was a lot easier than I thought it would be!

I'm using some of the Mantic Terrain Crate stuff I got with the Vanguard Kickstarter, which seems appropriate since the first thing this new board will be used with is Vanguard. I also found some old Gale Force Nine Rocky Outcroppings that have the advantage that they don't look silly on the hillside. Finally there's a prison cart from Irongate Scenery. And of course there are the Renedra Tents that I showed previously.

I have a couple of days off work now to get this, and the 6mm Napoleonics well under way... wish me luck!

Edit: I just noticed this is my 200th blog post!