Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Building Medieval Docks #5

So more progress... things are looking good.

First off I built the jetties, there's a framework built initially...

After that I glued on all the decking...

With the decking complete, I then applied some Agrax Earth Shade and few dry brushes with stone grey and grey green...

Then the boats were painted and added (along with some scratch-built oars and other details. A dam was put in place ready for the next step of pouring the "water"...


  1. Can never have enough coffee stirers, they are so useful aren't they. Looking smashing Richard.

    1. I have a LOT of coffee stirrers. 1000 cost just £5 on ebay. Enough for a lifetime?

  2. I'm doing something similar, how did you make your dam for the edge to keep the water contained?

    1. I used some clear plastic sheet. Actually lamination sheets run through the laminator. These were glued in place with the Aleene's Tacky Glue I used for most of the project and then Vaseline was rubbed on the inside. This last step meant that the "water" didn't stick to the dam. The Aleene's Tacky Glue just peeled off when I finished. It worked perfectly!

      Then when done I trimmed the meniscus on the edge of the water with a very sharp craft knife.
