Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Some models for Salute 2020 (postponed)

We (COGS) were planning on running a large fantasy participation game at this year's Salute, but of course that is not now going to happen. The show was cancelled/postponed some weeks ago and the venue is now one of the new NHS Nightingale hospitals.

A lot of the game was going to be made from models and terrain we already had, but a few items had been prepared especially for the game. I thought I'd share a few photos of those. In keeping with the theme of the game, which is based off an old White Dwarf article, these are all old models.

I bought and painted this first one back in about 1986. It's the D&D Red Dragon from Citadel and is the dragon from the cover of the D&D Red Book. I re-based it and touched up the paint job a little bit. It always was a favourite model of mine.

D&D Editions: Dungeons & Dragons Red Box Basic Set (1977-1995 ...

The main objective of the scenario was the Holy Grail. The model from the King Arthur set from the Grenadier Fantasy Lords range, this one dates back to 1989.

The last is the leader of the evil faction, a necromancer on undead pegasus from Ral Partha. It's in the current Ral Partha catalogue, but not in any of the old ones, so may perhaps be a bit newer than I'd originally thought. Still it's very much in the classic style.


  1. Great painting figures and background. I look forward to seeing the game when it does occur. cheers Mike

    1. Thanks, I'm really happy with them.

      The background is actually my PC monitor. :)
