Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Deadzone/Warpath Plague Update

... two months passes... no posts...



I have been doing things, just not as much as I was. You see I have another hobby, re-enacting and that has been taking my time up. Mostly in this case working on vintage bicycles... But that's not what this blog is about and so I'll not say more.

Anyway, I have not completely rested on my laurels. I have done some painting and gaming as always... I just haven't been posting about it. So now it's time to catch up.

First up is my Plague... nope... I'm not ill! My Plague army for Deadzone has been growing into what I hope will be a usable force for Warpath & Firefight. I've still got loads to do, but the photos below show a few of the new models. New 3rd gen troopers, zombies, aberration and a strider have been added...

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