Thursday, 27 April 2017

Frostgrave at Salute - Debrief

Last weekend at Salute we put on our Frostgrave participation games. Jeff, Steve and Andy worked like troopers all day helping me demo games and talking to members of the public. We were waxing lyrical about Frostgrave, Hirst Arts blocks, MDF terrain, various miniatures both old and new, and even Kings of War for a while.

It was a great success with some very kind comments, especially appreciated was the thanks from the author of Frostgrave himself, Joseph A. McCullough for making his game look so good. I of course thanked him in turn for writing it in the first place!

I also had chance to play with the little blue-tooth camera I acquired recently, a Podo, and many of the photos below were taken with this tiny device that could fit inside the boards. Unfortunately it's focus is not ideal for photos like this.


  1. Wonderful and inspiring pictures (love the second one!)...excellent!

  2. Lots of excellent shots Richard, think they came out well, its great to see close up and low persective photos of terrain, gives a sense of being there :-) Cheers

    1. Yeah, I just wish they were in focus! I did try adding a close-up lens like this:

      It does fit, but unfortunately focuses far, far too close to the camera. About 1cm maximum focus distance.
